Degree Insurance Now Available in Indiana

Degree Insurance (DI), a group insurance product which guarantees for the first time how much students at American universities will earn after graduation, will now be available in the state of Indiana. This announcement comes on the heels of DI’s announcement of a pilot program at Augustana College, a leading liberal arts and sciences college in neighboring Illinois. This program received press coverage in both Forbes and Inside Higher Ed.

DI’s innovative insurance pays the difference between a student’s actual earnings and a “guaranteed” amount based on their major. With a $1.7 trillion student loan crisis, the product is particularly important for first generation students, under-represented minorities, and all students struggling with uncertain career and education plans caused by the pandemic .

The product is now available in Indiana, and DI is excited to work with the state’s colleges and universities on ensuring their students’ futures.

Augustana College, a highly respected liberal arts college that US News & World Report has recognized as one of the nation’s most innovative institutions, will be piloting Degree Insurance’s flagship insurance product American Dream Insurance (ADI) with as many as 20 transfer students. The product will guarantee a student’s return on investment, increase enrollment, and boost retention.

CEO and co-founder Wade Eyerly said: “Today’s college students are the least confident generation in America, old enough to remember the Great Recession and now living through a pandemic. We applaud Augustana’s work in addressing students’ concerns and look forward to doing the same in Indiana. ”

Dennis Murashko, co-founder and president, said: “As we work with Augustana and other colleges in Illinois, we are equally excited to bring our income guarantee to Indiana, home to true innovation in higher education.”

Degree Insurance is now licensed in Arizona, Utah, Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Indiana.

The company is headquartered in Arlington Heights, IL, and can be found online at

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